Premium Features

Mazechit is a highly secured chit fund software that makes chitfunding hassle-free. We take feedback through millions of transactions happening on a daily basis through the installed applications. With the inputs gathered from the feedback, Our expert team strives to improve the chit fund software services in terms of security, user friendliness and features that personalizes the application.

With the technology and the work nature constantly evolving, we see to it that our clients receive the benefits of the software that takes business to the next level. To enjoy the competitiveness of our online chit fund management software, renew it every year and gain additional features to make business easier.

Benefits of renewing the software?

  • Online bidding facility - where your clients can place their bids from home.
  • Mobile app upgradation and support
  • Online payment integration and support
  • SMS integration
  • Further product upgradation and support

Online Bidding Option

Online bidding option in our chit fund software makes auctions virtual and easy. Mirroring legacy bidding practices, online auctions serve the clients from various geographical locations to bid their prices through the internet. The clients necessarily need not visit the offices during auctions, especially at times like the pandemic.